Tuesday 19 May 2020



Beautiful Baby and Mom Photos | Newborn pictures, Newborn ...
After going through delivery-Normal as well as scissor,a women is finally happy to look her baby safe.Women is the one who can bear any pain to keep their babies happy & safe.She sacrifice everything and delivery is one of the best example of this.So they says "Second birth of women occurs,when she has given birth to a baby"."When a baby is born a mother is also born."

Meeting your baby for the first time will surely be one of the most memorable experience of your life.New set of physical and emotional symptoms that begin once your baby is born.Also you will feel weak too.

The most common symptom that women experience after birth is a discharge called  "Lochia".Also it is known as postpartum period.This period are just like menstrual cycle which may last 6 to 8 weeks.
This bloody discharge looks similar to a strong sensations of uterine cramping as the uterus shrinks back to the size it was before pregnancy.

Welcome home with your new born.

How Soon Can You Get Pregnant Again After Having A Baby? | Mother&Baby

At this stage you are more concerned about your home appearance as your baby coming home.But don't take stress.Also you need to take good care of yourself to rebuild your strength which you have lost during delivery.You will need plenty of rest,good nutrition and help during the first few weeks.


Every new parent soon learns that babies have different time clocks than adults. A typical newborn wakes up about every 3 hours and needs to be fed, changed, and comforted. Especially if this is your first baby, you and your partner can become overwhelmed by exhaustion. You may not get a solid 8 hours of sleep for several months. Here are ideas to help you get more rest:

  • In the first few weeks, you need to let someone else take care of all responsibilities other than feeding your baby and taking care of yourself.
  • Sleep when the baby sleeps. This may be only a few minutes of rest several times a day, but these minutes can add up.
  • Save steps and time. Have your baby's bed near yours for feedings at night.
  • It’s nice to have visits from friends and family, but don’t feel that you need to entertain guests. Feel free to excuse yourself for a nap or to feed your baby.
  • Get outside for a few minutes each day. You can start walking and doing postpartum exercises, as advised by your healthcare provider.
Next is Nutrition :

Your body has undergone many changes during pregnancy and birth. You need time to recover. In addition to rest, you need to eat a healthy diet to help you do that.

The weight gained in pregnancy helps build stores for your recovery and for breastfeeding. After delivery, you need to eat a healthy and balanced diet so you can be active and able to care for your baby.

Post-Pregnancy Diet - Super Foods For New Moms! - By Dt. Nehha ...

For Post-Pregnancy diet keep reading my article and subscribe for new updates.

1 comment:

Pregnancy Can change Mother's Body Forever

Pregnancy May Change Your body forever Being a mother changes you they says, and yes it is really true. Being a mother just not changes you ...