Tuesday 12 May 2020



congratulations,You are in the third trimester of your pregnancy and the excitement of the coming due date is bound to keep you smiling all day! There are certain symptoms that will occur during this stage and the best way to overcome them is to eat the right kind of foods.As with other stages in your pregnancy, there are foods that you should have plenty of and foods that you should avoid at this time of your life. Make sure that you eat healthy and avoid the wrong diet; it is a guaranteed way to ensure that your baby develops and grows properly.

1.Food Rich In Folic Acid :

Consumption of folic acids is a must to every pregnant mother, before and during pregnancy. During the third trimester, folic acid helps decrease the risk of defects of your baby’s neural tube. You can find folic acid in foods that include grains like oatmeal, collards or dark leafy vegetables and fruits like strawberries and oranges.

2.Food Rich in Protein & Iron  :

During your third trimester, extra iron is important to avoid anaemia, hemorrhage during delivery. You need around 27 mg of iron daily. Get your required dose of iron and protein from foods like red meat, beans, poultry, seeds and rice. The amino acids that you get from protein you consume will aid in the rapid growth of your little one.

3.Food Rich in Calcium :

Intake of calcium in the third trimester of pregnancy is considered very crucial as eating calcium-rich foods will aid in the healthy development of your baby’s skeletal system and a robust bone structure. You must aim to get 1000 gm of calcium every day through your diet. You can include dairy products like milk, cheese, paneer and yoghurt as they are rich in calcium.

4.Food Rich in Magnesium :

Magnesium will help in absorbing the calcium that you consume and also provides relief from leg cramps, helps in relaxing your muscles and prevents premature labor. You should take in approximately 350 to 400 mg of magnesium every day. Almonds, oat bran, black beans, barley, artichoke, pumpkin seeds, etc., are rich sources of magnesium.

5.Food Rich In Vitamin C :

Increasing your intake of Vitamin C will help in the proper absorption of iron during pregnancy. Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges and melons, green pepper and broccoli are rich sources of Vitamin C.

6.Fabric Rich in Fiber :

A fiber-rich diet can help clean the bile and prevent constipation. The water in your digestive tract is absorbed by your fiber intake so make sure you drink lots of water. Constipation is common in the third trimester so include, fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes and whole grains in your diet.

7. Food Rich In DHA :

DHA is a fatty acid that helps your baby’s brain in developing properly. Experts recommend about 200 mg on a daily basis. You can find DHA in foods such as milk, eggs and juices.

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