Monday 4 May 2020



Many women thinks if they are pregnant they have to eat for two but it is not at all true.Even if you are pregnant you have to eat as much as you required do not eat more than that.

congratulations, now you are in the 3rd month of your pregnancy.

1.Dairy Products: 

Milk and its derivatives should form a decent portion of your daily diet. Drink atleast 2-3 glasses of milk or consume equivalent of these in the form of paneer, cheese, yoghurts and ghee. Milk and dairy products provide you much needed calcium and proteins, so do not deny yourself.

2.Fresh fruits :

Fresh fruits are rich in vitamin C and play a vital role in the development and proper functioning of the placenta. The vitamin absorbs iron from the food and helps in maintaining a strong immune system (3).In your third trimester, you must take fresh fruits such as kiwis, strawberries, banana, and melon (4). If you are working, then pack the fruit slices for your snacks and eat them during breaks.

3.Lentils :

These are rich in thiamine (vitamin B1) and fiber (5). You can make soup, porridge (dal), or stew with cooked lentils and have it in your meals.

Carbohydrates During Pregnancy – Benefits, Intake, and Dietary ...

Intake of carbohydrate is significant for a fast developing baby. Here is a list of food with high level of carbohydrates:
  • Eat whole grain breads
  • Chapattis made with whole wheat Atta
  • Potatoes
  • Rice
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Pasta (wheat)
  • Legumes like bean and lentils.

5. Vitamin B6 Rich Foods:

Vitamin B6 in your pregnancy diet | BabyCenter
Chances are your nausea is at its peak during this month, which can make you feel blue and fatigued. Foods rich in Vitamin B6 help a lot by reducing nausea and boosting your moods. Incorporate citrus fruits, eggs, green leafy vegetables and potatoes in your diet to get a steady dose of this vitamin.

6.Vitamin D :

Vitamin D promotes the development of teeth and bone in the fetus.
Fatty fishes like salmon, mackerel, tuna, etc. are an excellent source of vitamin D
Vitamin D fortified milk, cereals, etc.can help in gettingthe substantial amount of Vitamin D
Egg yolk has a dependable amount of Vitamin D
Cod liver oil is a reliable source of vitamin D.

7.DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid): 

Fish Oil For dogs | Canine Arthritis Resources and Education

DHA is essential for the development of eyes and brain. Hence, it is significant to ensure its intake (450 mg per day).
Salmon has a good amount of DHA
Organ meat, like, liver contains DHA
Fish oil is a dependable source of DHA.

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