Wednesday 13 May 2020



Congratulation, now you are in the 8th month of your pregnancy.

So Worried about what to eat ??

If yes, then don't be because i'm here to assist you with the right diet plan in the 8th month of pregnancy.

7 important food you must include in your Diet in 8th month of pregnancy.

1.Fish : 

Fish contains a large amount of iron .Iron deficiency results in Anemia which can cause a feeling of Fatigue in the mother.Include Oily fish like salmon in your diet during 8th month of pregnancy.

Eating Fish During Pregnancy Linked To Lower Risk Of ADHD In Kids ...

2.Omega 3 fatty acids

Baby’s brain growth and development is the fastest in third trimester, so focus on including omega-3 sources in your diet such as Oily fish like salmon ,Nuts & seeds ,Ground flax seeds.
Salmon is also a very good source of high quality protein
and also a good source of Omega -3 fats.Which are very good for the development of your baby.

Sour cherries have been shown to promote restful sleep by increasing your body’s natural supply of melatonin (our sleep regulating hormone). Try having 1 cup of unsweetened cherry juice before bed to improve your sleep

3.Red Meat : 

It is a rich source of iron & protein both of these are essential minerals to the mother during pregnancy.They also helps in growth of baby.Red Meats are great source of protein,zinc and iron also.They are essential nutrients which every women should consume in adequate amounts during pregnancy.

I'm scared to eat beef. But how do I get enough iron? - The Globe ...


Banana has been the a great source of  essential vitamins & minerals. and sometimes banana are calcium & iron.
They also promote digestion & relief constipation.Bananas are absolutely safe for consumption during pregnancy. They contain plenty of nutrients  which have several health benefits for both the mother and the baby.

Benefits of Banana during pregnancy| Is it safe to eat banana ...

5.Dairy products :

Dairy products including Milk are good source of Vitamin & mineral including calcium, potassium & protein.Protein helps in building healthy tissues,fat is essential for growth & energy. Dairy products also provides variety of nutrients that supports your baby's development.Calcium plays a vital role in normal bone development.

What Milk Is Safe During Pregnancy? | Blue Diamond Almonds

6.Leafy Vegetables

Fibers consumption during pregnancy is very important as it prevents us from the feeling of  constipation that  occurs due to excessive weight & excessive hormones. Leafy vegetables contains more enough Fiber.
It can also protect your New Born from High Blood Pressure.

Superfoods for a Super Pregnancy – The Ollie World


Orange contains a large amount of vitamin -C . which is an essential nutrient of the baby. Also helps in the absorption of fiber.It helps to develop the brain of your baby.It is also a good source of vitamin B6 and Folic acid.
So eating oranges during pregnancy will help developing your baby's brain and prevent neural tube defects which are known to cause brain and spinal cord abnormalities in a baby.

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