Thursday 22 April 2021

Pregnancy Can change Mother's Body Forever

Pregnancy May Change Your body forever

Being a mother changes you they says, and yes it is really true. Being a mother just not changes you mentally but also physically. Most of changes may disappear after baby's birth. But Some physical changes are permanent which can never go back to the way they were before pregnancy.

Here are  some changes which may never go back to original.

1.Weight gain

Holding some extra pounds after pregnancy is Normal.
One in 4 women will hang on to 11 lbs. or more ( 5kg or more) a year after giving birth and having a baby, a women will be on average 2.5 to 5 lbs.
Getting back into shape after pregnancy takes time. Most of the women looses most. And other may not.

2.Hair Loss : 

If you have postpartum hair loss, or hair loss after pregnancy, you'll notice a sudden shedding — sometimes in clumps — in the six months after you give birth.

3.Breast Changes : 

Following the birth of a baby, oestrogen and progesterone levels decrease quickly. Around the third day or so after the birth the colostrum becomes diluted by additional fluid that makes it look much whiter. Around this time your breasts may start to leak milk.

When a baby sucks at the breast it triggers nerves that carry messages to the brain that milk is needed. Some women find milk leaks from the nipple when they hear their baby cry, or if their breasts are full and they feel emotional.

This can happen quite a lot in the first few days after you give birth and can sometimes be embarrassing. Putting disposable or washable breast pads in your bra can help you feel more comfortable and prepared.

Possible breast problems after pregnancy

The following describes some of the problems you may experience when your milk ‘comes in’ (when your body begins to produce breast milk and no longer colostrum). Some of this information may apply whether you decide to breastfeed or not.

Problems could include:

  • Sore and cracked nipples
  • Engorgement
  • Blocked milk ducts
  • Mastitis
  • Breast abscess
  • Thrush

4.Strech Marks

stretch marks

Breast changes can be expected during and after pregnancy, whether or not a woman breastfeeds. Common symptoms after giving birth include engorged breasts, which refers to a feeling of fullness, and sore or leaking nipples.

Well, this is the bad news: Like any scar, stretch marks are permanent. You’ll never be able to get rid of them completely.

We know this might be disappointing. It can be a hard thing to accept that your body has changed forever, even if the change occurred due to something as amazing as childbirth.

But here’s some good news: Most stretch marks will fade naturally on their own after your baby is born. Not only that, but you can make them even less noticeable with different treatments.

5.Brain and hormones

It’s no wonder you don’t feel like the old you—your life has changed drastically and so have your hormones, at least for a little while. “Some of your hormones go from the highest they ever will be to the lowest, just before delivery to just after,” says Ann Dunnewold, a Dallas psychologist and co-author of Life Will Never Be the Same: The Real Mom’s Postpartum Survival Guide. Right after giving birth, your estrogen and progesterone levels drop dramatically, which can contribute to the “baby blues” (mood swings, anxiety, sadness or irritability, which resolve within a week or so of birth) or postpartum depression (similar symptoms that are more intense, last longer and interfere with your daily life).

Thyroid hormones, which help regulate body temperature, metabolism and organ function, can be affected by giving birth, too. According to the American Thyroid Association, five to 10 percent of women have postpartum thyroiditis, an inflammation of the thyroid gland, and the exact cause isn’t known. Symptoms can include insomnia, anxiety, rapid heart rate, fatigue, weight loss and irritability (one to four months after birth) or fatigue, weight gain, constipation, dry skin and depression (four to eight months after birth). Your doctor can monitor your thyroid levels with blood tests and prescribe medication if necessary.

Wednesday 17 June 2020





walking during pregnancy

Walking is the best exercise for pregnant women.Reduces the risk of complications during pregnancy and delivery. Studies show that women who exercise regularly have a lower risk of developing gestational diabetes or having unplanned cesarean sections. Helps you burn calories so you keep your weight in check.
It keeps your heart strong and your muscles toned. "A stronger mom will have an easier time meeting the demands of motherhood.
It burns calories,which helps prevent excess weight gain.
It keeps your body fit, which offers protection from gestational diabetes.You should Walk 20 minutes, 3 times a week.


What are the benefits of swimming while pregnant?

Swimming is a gentle way to work toward your goal of 30 minutes of prenatal exercise a day most days without aggravating your loosening joints. In addition to resulting in plenty of fitness-related benefits your body and your baby along with reprieve for your tired muscles and joints, swimming during pregnancy can also helps :

Reduce morning sickness: Many women report that the cool water provides welcome relief from nausea and vomiting of pregnancy.
Improve your labor and delivery experience: Swimming maintains muscle tone and increases your endurance — both of which you’ll be thankful for when it comes time to push baby out.

DANCING : DANCE at least 30 minutes a day or three to four times a week.Shy away from routines.

Is It Safe to Dance during Pregnancy?

Can dancing while pregnant hurt the baby? The short answer is no. Pregnancy requires that you take it easy, but not so easy that you skip exercises altogether. Dancing for short periods of time every day is completely safe, but only if your doc has given you the go-ahead to perform cardio. It is ideal to pick a less vigorous style of dance that has very little jumping and darting about.


Yoga is a form of excecise and meditation  where breath & specific body positions are used to help connect the mind and body.And parental yoga focused on positions that are specifically designed for pregnant women's bodies. 
Parenatal  yoga also emphasizes breathing, stretches and Strenthening moves that help your body prepare for labor.


Try the tailor sit,(sit crossed legs while learning forward with a straight back) and tailor press (sit with your legs bent and feet together,place hands under knees and press knees together to ease back pain.


If you have lifted weight before pregnancy,you can safely continue during pregnancy.Aviod heavy weight lifting


Pregnant women may choose to incorporate squats into their weekly exercise routine. Squats can offer many benefits for both you and your baby-to-be during pregnancy, labor, and after delivery.
Squatting during labor and delivery may help open your pelvis, assisting in baby’s descent. This is why squats are an important exercise to practice during pregnancy.

Angry Cat Pose

We are all aware of the amount of pain that a woman undergoes during labor. While there is no avoiding the pain, we could reduce it a bit from our end. Pelvic tilts or angry cats are a great exercise to decrease labor pain.

Cobbler Pose

Also known as the tailor pose, this exercise helps in opening up vaginal muscles and make it more flexible.

During pregnancy, kegel strengthen your pelvic floor muscles to help easy delivery and labor.Repeat kegel 5 times a day.

Tuesday 26 May 2020



You remained on a healthy diet and avoided many foods for nearly 9 months thinking about the safety of your baby. Now when the baby is finally here, your protective instincts will get more strengthened. 
Therefore, it is normal to wonder if there are foods to avoid while breastfeeding as particles from the food you eat make their way through the breast milk to your newborn system. 
Given below are some of the foods that nursing or breastfeeding mothers should completely avoid and why:

  • Seafood

Mackerel in English, Bhangra in Hindi, Mackerel Recipes
In present times, mercury levels are high in different water bodies which get translated to high levels of mercury in seafood. High levels of mercury are present in shark and king mackerel, unlike other seafood which have lower levels of mercury. Hence doctors advice nursing mothers to completely avoid seafood.

Blue shark cartoon, sharks cartoon character in vector. smiling ...

  • Processed food while breastfeeding

Processed foods are quick and easy to prepare especially when you have a baby. But these foods contain preservatives and additives that are toxic for the baby. Additives can also make the baby colic and cause some allergies. Your baby can also turn fussy.

  • Spicy food and flatulence causing food: 

Spicy foods: To eat, or not to eat | Penn Today

Spicy food and flatulence causing foods can cause a shift in your baby’s reaction. Though this research is in its rudimentary stage, it would help keep a diary of your diet and your baby’s behavioral change.

  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners


On the whole, it is safe to consume sugar and artificial sweeteners, but in moderation.
You can use it occasionally in your food. There are several internal barriers that prevent the baby from consuming excess sugar. The sugar first passes through your blood vessels, plus your baby should want to consume it. As of now there is no conclusive theory to prove that artificial sweeteners are bad for the baby, but it’s best to consume it occasionally.

  • Caffeine and breastfeeding:
Does caffeine affect baby while breastfeeding? - FitMommyStrong

Avoid consuming caffeine as it can make your baby agitated and prevent your baby from sleeping. You can consume two – three cups of coffee a day, but consult your doctor on the same.

  • Alcohol consumption while breastfeeding:

Breastfeeding: Should a breastfeeding mother consume alcohol

Alcohol consumption during pregnancy and post pregnancy is a complete, NO. Even the smallest amount of alcohol can hamper your child’s growth. If you want to consume a glass of alcohol, stop breastfeeding till the alcohol is completely washed from your system.

  • Meat and non-vegetarian products:

Meat that has fat absorbs toxins, plus it makes you gain unhealthy weight. It is recommended to consume lean meat for healthy living.

Saturday 23 May 2020



How to Make Your Life Easier When Planning to Breastfeed - Premier ...

Now a days,i have seen many New mothers are facing with low breast milk supply Even i was gone through the same.

This might be because your baby is not latching on Correctly or may be due to the lac of nutrition in mother.

When i was going through the same, My grand mother said me some working tips to increase breast milk supply.

So i would like to share it with you all, just because i want no mother should suffer from the same i have been gone through.As you all know "Breast Milk" is very important for your baby's growth.Mamma's Milk is the best of all.The most important tip given to me was "Bajri chi bharad" (called in Marathi) Pearl Millet Drink.

Every one knows about Bajra (Pearl Millet). Before going to recipe let us know the benefits of bajra. Bajra is rich in calcium,iron and fiber which is essential for baby's growth as well as nursing mother.

Recipe to make "Bajri chi Bharad" Or "Pearl Millet Drink"

Bajra Raab/ Pearl Millet drink | My Weekend Kitchen
  • First you have you take some Bajra in a pan and roast it very well on low flame.
  • Then transfer all the roasted "Bajri" in a bowl.
  • Add some Methi (fenugreek seeds) to the same bowl.
  • Grind both roasted Bajra and Methi until you get very fine powder of it,with the help of mixture grinder.
  • Store it into a steel or plastic bottle whichever you want.
  • Next morning you take a bowl put on gas and add one or one and half glass of water in it.
  • Add 2-3 tablespoon powder mixture of bajra and Fenugreek seeds to it.
  • Let it boil on low flame
  • Add Some crushed jaggery in it for good taste. 
  • Add 1tsp oil gently in it.
  • Let it boil for 20-25 mins on low flame 
  • After 25 mins put off gas flame and keep it aside to get cool.
  • Now take big glass,transfer the liquid porridge or juice in glass and drink it slowly slowly.
This Juice type Porridge or drink has to be made in early morning and drink. So that whole day ur baby will get sufficient breast milk.
Only u have to prepare much more powder of bajra & methi and store it.So that daily you can use it.

Second Ayurvedic Solution for increasing Breast Milk.

Shatavari : Many of them might be knowing about shatavari. Shatavari is also beneficial for increasing milk in mother's Lactation. It is Ayurvedic.It is found in form of stick and also in form of powder.When I was facing lactation my Doctor has suggested me shatavari powder.So would also suggest you to take advice from your Doctor first then only go for it.

There are many Shatavari powder you will get in market but with different names. Some of them i have used and i'm familiar with are as follows:

1. Satavarex : Enrich with Shatavari 


3.Third is Lactonic 

These all three is consumed to increase Breast feeding in MOTHER.

How to consume shatavari??

Shatavari powder should be consumed with milk once or twice a day.It depends on mother.If you are having very less milk supply you should take twice a day otherwise one time is ok.
Take a glass of Normal hot milk and add 2 tsp of Shatavari powder in it.Stir it gently.Then consume.

Shatavari milk - Zesty South Indian Kitchen

Drinking lots of Water and liquid fluids : 

Drinking water after pregnancy – yay or nay? |

  • Mother has to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day.Also fruit juice can help in lactation.
  • Add Bombay dunk Salan (bombil salan) in Your daily diet.Once or twice in a day.
Fresh Bombay Duck (Bombil) Fry | Crispy Fried Fresh Bombay Ducks ...
  • Add eggs also twice in a daily diet.

No-Fail Instant Pot Hard and Soft Boiled Eggs
  • Add Mushi fish called as Silurus /cat fish in your diet daily.
Cat Fish - Indian Catfish Wholesale Trader from Umbergaon
  • These all food will increase the flow or supply of breast milk in mom's.

Methi & Benefits of Methi -k-laddu :

methi ladoo recipe I methi ke laddu I पौष्टिक मेथीचे ...

It is the most common item used for increasing milk supply in breastfeeding mothers. Fenugreek is a rich source of fiber, iron, and calcium. Methi Parantha is a rich source of fiber and iron and is widely used in countries for decades.

Also you can daily eat Methi-k-laddu (fennugreek laddu).Methi is also very important in increasing breast milk.
You can easily get it in market but home made methi k laddu Is really very different and very effective then the one we get in market.They are usually sweet.But in actual methi laddu should not be much sweet.

Not only it helps in lactation but also it helps in mom's legs & body pain.
Mother's keep on sitting whole day and night to feed their baby contentiously.
Because of that they cause body pain & leg pain etc.So methi is very important after pregnancy.It is not only useful for mother's but also to their babies brain & their body too.

Friday 22 May 2020



Post-Pregnancy Diet - Super Foods For New Moms! - By Dt. Nehha ...

Once you have your baby, it is very important to take care of yourself  and eat healthy Nutrition because the food you will be eating indirectly your baby will get it in the form of milk through breastfeeding.

Diet Plan after pregnancy: 

If you are breast feeding your baby,the food you eat will help your baby grow healthy and strong.

Healthy Food to eat after pregnancy.

1.Eat Fruits & vegetables : 

Add more fruits and vegetables in your food.Be your plate half filled with fruits & vegetables daily.As it contains lot of minerals and vitamins which is good for your as well as yours baby's health.
They also contains fiber,which helps to prevent from constipation.Always wash fruits and veges under running water before eating them.

2.Eat food rich in protein : 

Add protein rich food in your diet such as Milk,Cheese,yogurt,Fish,Meat and beans.
Protein rich are important,which will recovery your body from childbirth and keep s your body strong and healthy.

3.Drink plenty of liquid

Our body needs lots of fluid especially if you are breastfeeding your baby. You need to drink at least 6-10 glassed of water or fruits juice daily which will helps in increase of your milk flow while feeding your baby.

4.Limit Junk food : 

Assortment of unhealthy foods - Stock Image - H110/1272 - Science ...

Junk food are defined as processed food with negligible nutrient value and often high in sugar,salt and fat.These are high calories food.

Avoid Junk Food like chips, donuts, burger, french fries etc. 

5.Eat variety of foods : 

In your diet, add fruits,vegetables ,grains protein rich foods and dairy foods in your everyday.

6.Eat dry fruits : 

Dry fruit like Almonds.
Right from adding them to Gajar halwa, to consuming them as they are, almonds are a popular dry fruit and healthy snack alternative, at all times. Natural almonds are absolutely essential in your diet, given the large amount of nutrition and vitamins that they contain.

Food to avoid when Breastfeeding:

Foods Avoid During Breastfeeding Infographic Food Stock Vector ...


It is a stimulant that passes through breast milk to baby which can harm your baby's growth and development.It is found in many soft drinks,tea,coffee, chocolate etc.

2.Alcohol : 

Intake of alcohol like wine,beers drinks, shorts and mixed drinks can also pass through breast milk and can harm you baby's brain and body both badly.

3.Fish : 

Fish like sword fish,shark,tile fish these have high levels of a toxin called mercury.Mercury is harmful to your growing baby's brain. If you eat tuna, it is okay  but eat up to 6 ounces of canned tuna a week. Must choose a light tuna.

Other more foods to avoid while breastfeeding.

  • Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • cauliflower
  • Chocolate (I know… total bummer)
  • Citrus fruits
  • Coffee
  • Corn
  • Cucumber
  • dairy
  • garlic
  • hot peppers (and other spicy foods)
  • onions
  • parsley
  • peanuts
  • peppermint (and other herbs from the mint group)
  • tomatoes
  • strawberries

The truth is that every baby is different and under normal situations no single food can be scratched out across the board. In fact, most babies tolerate all foods rather easily and new research even shows most mom’s can safely have a drink or two while breastfeeding and caffeine is typically OK too.

Many mother faces problem of low Milk supply during feeding. So in my next article i'am going to tell you about "How to increase breast Milk".So stay connected and keep reading.

Pregnancy Can change Mother's Body Forever

Pregnancy May Change Your body forever Being a mother changes you they says, and yes it is really true. Being a mother just not changes you ...